2024 Downtown Portland Business Survey

Every year, we invite businesses in the downtown core to share thoughts on how our community is doing. From feedback on cleanliness and livability to business growth and development, the perspectives shared highlight what is working and what needs improvement.


As an enhanced services provider for the City of Portland, the team at Downtown Portland Clean & Safe conducted this annual survey to better understand the conditions of doing business in the city’s center. This year we asked businesses to comment on the full 2024 calendar year.

Read past reports

The survey’s purpose is to identify factors and trends affecting business operations and commerce in downtown Portland. We worked with DHM Research to ensure the survey generated quality results that we could confidently report back to the community.  We asked about satisfaction levels with Downtown Portland Clean & Safe District programs and management, the City of Portland’s management of Downtown and Old Town core, and asked questions designed to determine expansion, contraction, and relocation plans in the Downtown area.


While still an issue – significant decreases in the number of businesses dealing with vandalism, crime, and safety issues. Businesses in this survey reported:

  • Reduction in Crime-Related Issues
    These improvements suggest that safety concerns are easing, which could contribute to a more stable workforce and business environment.

    • Businesses reporting theft or shoplifting incidents decreased from 47% in 2023 to 30.2% in 2024 (a 17% decrease).
    • Employees quitting due to safety concerns dropped from 45.8% in 2023 to 29.2% in 2024 (a 16.6% decrease).
  • Declining Incidents of Vandalism
    This decline in property damage and vandalism represents a reduction in the costs and operational burdens for businesses.

    • Continued steady decline in physical damage to storefronts. Businesses repairing windows and physical damage decreased from 67% in 2023 to 47% in 2024 (a 20% decrease).
    • Graffiti repairs slightly improved as well, from 72% in 2023 to 52.6% in 2024 (a 19.4% decrease).
  • Stabilization of Business Ownership Trends
    We did see some stabilization and increase in some key Portland demographics for business ownership in the businesses who responded to our survey:

    • Woman-led businesses and veteran-led businesses saw very slight increases, indicating stability in these business demographics rather than significant declines (woman-led businesses increased from 33% to 39%, veteran-led businesses increased from 2% to 6%).
    • Ownership of LGBTQ+ businesses doubled, as did businesses owned by people of color (LGBTQ ownership increased from 4% to 9% and businesses led or owned by a person of color increased from 5% to 10%).


Downtown Portland Business Health

When asked to reflect on the 2024 calendar year, businesses in Downtown Portland seem to be experiencing a return to normalcy, with optimism among businesses higher than what we have seen since 2020. While crime, safety, and homelessness remain key concerns, survey results indicate a significant decline in related disruptions, allowing businesses to operate with greater confidence. The 2024 findings highlight a steady improvement in public safety, a more stable workforce, and increased satisfaction with services provided by Downtown Portland Clean & Safe (DPCS). The survey responses showed DPCS is a valued and a trusted partner in maintaining a clean and welcoming downtown, reinforcing its role in the city’s ongoing recovery.

We are seeing a return to optimism about the Downtown and Old Town environments with 57% of businesses feeling optimistic about their location in Downtown. Despite this optimism for Downtown, economically, businesses are still struggling with only 24% of businesses experiencing revenues higher than last year.

Business performance did not see materially significant gains or losses, but sentiments are shifting toward neutral.

The following data indicates marked improvement in core livability issues that portend an overall better climate for business performance in future years.

  • Improvement in Safety Metrics: Less theft, fewer employees quitting over safety concerns, and reduced vandalism indicate a turning point for downtown recovery.
  • Better Business Conditions: With fewer disruptions from crime and damage, businesses may operate more efficiently, attracting more customers and investment.
  • Momentum for Growth: If these trends continue, businesses might feel more confident about expansion, hiring, and long-term planning.

When we asked respondents about the overall perception of cleanliness in the district, we saw substantive improvements from last year.

Downtown Livability

We asked a series of questions about the suitability of the downtown for business asking businesses to comment on features of the downtown that are both helpful to their business and what were some of the largest challenges the downtown environment provided.

Downtown Portland Clean & Safe Services

DPCS’s efforts to maintain a clean, safe, and inviting downtown environment are reflected in increased satisfaction scores:

  • Tree Lights: 92% satisfaction (+1% from 2023)
  • Safety Coordinators (Garda World): 90% satisfaction (+4% from 2023)
  • Cleaners (Central City Concern): 71% satisfaction (+13% from 2023)
  • Dispatch Services: 80% satisfaction (+12% from 2023)

The notable increases in satisfaction with cleaning and dispatch services highlight the impact of continued investment in core programs.

One area that saw a slight decline was crow abatement (-1%), which may be influenced by external factors such as a reported 64% increase in crow populations. Comments later in the survey seem to suggest the desire for the Crow Abatement program to span a larger amount of territory.  Further evaluation will determine whether this should be a long-term reporting metric.

Conclusion: A City Making Progress

The 2024 Business Survey results reflect real progress in Portland’s livability. Businesses are reporting less crime, fewer operational disruptions, and increased confidence in key services. While challenges remain, the collective efforts of DPCS, local stakeholders, and city partners is contributing to a safer, more welcoming downtown.

Continued investment in public safety, cleaning programs, and business support will ensure that this positive trajectory continues into 2025 and beyond.



The information for this survey is not scientific. It is collected by voluntary participation based on business location. The experiences reported are used for business development and competitive analysis. Information on individual responses is confidential and not available.

This online survey was mailed and emailed out to owners and managers of businesses, organizations, and government agencies located within the study area.  The survey is conducted on an annual basis each year as the baseline date for responses and collected information.

When responding to survey questions regarding livability concerns, respondents were asked to consider the boundary of the Downtown Portland Clean & Safe District (see map).


Downtown Portland Clean & Safe is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that provides enhanced services to the people, places, and businesses within a core 213-block area of our unique city. Operating since 1988, the district is one of the oldest, largest, and most successful enhanced service districts in the nation.