Downtown Portland Clean & Safe (DPC&S) board recently approved a new tool, Eponic, for our cleaners and security officers. The DPC&S cleaning crew keeps downtown clean seven days a week. Our cleaners are contracted through Central City Concern’s Clean Start program, and work daily to do their part, tidying up our downtown core. Eponic will take our cleaners’ and security officers’ communication to the next level. This device is a cloud-based app system that is used for acquiring data from mobile teams on the street and process thousands of safety, cleaning, maintenance, homeless outreach logs, and incidents into simple online reports. Reports are created online through a secure connection on a web browser. Each day our cleaners and security officers will use this tool while taking photos of issues (before and after of graffiti removal for example), texting photos, and other messages to the DPC&S dispatcher. This device will bring us a higher level of communication between organizations, tracking the whereabouts and performance of cleaners and security staff, and will provide detailed, data-driven reporting for the work Clean & Safe does in the ESD.