ariel image of downtown portland

Petition submitted to expand district boundary and more

Downtown Portland Clean & Safe provides enhanced services to the people, places, and businesses within a core 213-block area of Downtown Portland. Based on demand and inquiries about our programs, we have petitioned the City of Portland for expansion, a rate structure overhaul and early renewal.

Proposed District Map

On Aug. 21, 2024, Downtown Portland Clean & Safe petitioned the City of Portland asking for an expansion of the existing 213-block district. The petition also includes a rate structure overhaul that would cap residential rates, and a new 10-year district reauthorization.

Clean & Safe has been exploring expansion of the Enhanced Service District after multiple requests from schools, businesses, and the City of Portland to be included in a new and expanded Clean & Safe District boundary.

Over the summer, we did outreach to businesses and building owners within the potential expansion area and hosted two open houses for the community to learn more and discuss potential impacts before submitting the petition to the city. This outreach was supplemented by two community information sessions held this month by the City of Portland regarding the expansion proposal.

Learn more about the expansion project.